About the Human Services Implementation Lab
The iLab creates and administers tools that assess how closely providers and organizations are implementing these practices to the intended model. Program and practice implementation is an ongoing process and is not expected to happen all at once. Systematically assessing the level of implementation of a specific program or practice accomplishes two things:
Documents how closely an organization is implementing that model and clearly identifies areas where implementation can be improved
Provides a roadmap for increasing fidelity to the model over time
External assessments provide the most objective measures of program implementation, but self-assessments are also possible. The iLab can help your organization to identify and implement the program evaluation and fidelity assessment options that best meet your needs and resources.
Human Services Implementation Lab Team Members

Karen Cellarius, MPA
Director and Senior Research Associate
Torey Sisson
Project Manager
Sofia Baldridge
Project Manager
Kelsey Porter
Project Manager