Oregon Zero Suicide Implementation Assessment Tool

Suicide deaths are preventable and Zero Suicide is the aspiration of an increasing number of healthcare systems. A system-wide approach to providing suicide safer care in health and behavioral health systems, implementation of Zero Suicide has been shown to reduce the rate of suicide deaths within the U.S. Air Force and the Henry Ford Health Systems, among others.

The iLab and Oregon Health Authority partnered with the Education Development Center’s Zero Suicide Institute to create the Oregon Zero Suicide Implementation Assessment Tool to support and measure implementation of this complex, multi-faceted framework. Funding for the development of the expanded tool was provided by Grant #s SM083398 and SM061759 from the U.S. Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).


All of these documents are downloadable for free. We ask for your name, email, and organization when you download the assessments as a record of how these tools have helped our communities. Submission of this information is voluntary.

ZS Assessment Tool

Zero Suicide Implementation Assessment Tool

ZS Assessment Fee Schedule

Zero Suicide Assessment Fee Schedule

ZS Sample Report

2022 Zero Suicide Implementation Assessment Report

ZS Metrics

Zero Suicide Metrics

Ready to Take the Next Step in Zero Suicide Implementation?

We will work with your organization to evaluate your program implementation using a variety of tools, consultation, assessment customized to your organization’s needs, and documentation of program outcomes.