Oregon Trauma Informed Care Implementation Assessment Tool

Trauma Informed Care starts with the assumption that everyone has experienced trauma at some point in their lives. Trauma can impact physical, emotional, and mental health as well as behaviors and engagement to services, and those impacts can last a lifetime. The Trauma Informed Care approach aims at reducing the risk of retraumatizing individuals or otherwise activating a trauma response in people who have experienced trauma.

Organizations implementing trauma informed care have experienced increased engagement as well as reduced mental health symptoms and reduced substance use among participants. The iLab and Trauma Informed Oregon created the Oregon Trauma Informed Care Implementation Assessment Tool to support and measure comprehensive implementation of this complex, multi-faceted framework. The tool offers a roadmap for ensuring environments and services feel safe, welcoming and engaging for service recipients and staff. Funding for the development of this tool was provided by the Oregon Health Authority (OHA).


All of these documents are downloadable for free. We ask for your name, email, and organization when you download the assessments as a record of how these tools have helped our communities. Submission of this information is voluntary.

TIC Assessment Tool

Trauma Informed Care Fidelity Assessment Instrument

TIC Assessment Fee Schedule

Trauma Informed Care Assessment Fee Schedule

TIC Sample Report Pages

Trauma Informed Care Implementation Assessment Sample Report Pages

Ready to Take the Next Step in Trauma Informed Care Implementation?

We will work with your organization to evaluate your trauma informed program implementation using a variety of tools, consultation, assessment customized to your organization’s needs, and documentation of program outcomes.